Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education teacher at OTHS

Robert Park




What is Outdoor Education?

The official course description:

Outdoor Activities (a year-long course): PAD3O or PAD4O

This coed, group-oriented course takes place primarily within ‘the outdoor classroom’ (on/around the school grounds, local Outdoor Education centres and extended field trips) as well as within the conventional classroom, and challenges students to learn by doing.

Guided by Outdoor Education’s ‘3 Rs’ (Respect, Relatedness and Responsibility) students will be expected to explore and demonstrate appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes within three interconnected themes:
•the Outdoor Skills necessary for safe, comfortable outdoor experiences in all seasons
•the Personal and Group Development ("Team Building") skills of Adventure Education which stress understanding, respect and appreciation for self and others
•the Environmental Understandings which acknowledge the importance of all living things and an understanding of the basic ecological processes which are necessary to sustain all life on this planet

The specific learning expectations of the Outdoor Activities courses outline the knowledge and skills that students are expected to demonstrate from the Healthy Active Living courses at the same grade level but with a focus on Outdoor Activities.

Please note that students may take more than one Healthy Active Living Education course for credit at all grade levels.


TYPE: Open

GRADE: 11 or 12

PREREQUISITE: PPL1OP - Female - Healthy Active Living Education or PPL1OQ - Male - Healthy Active Living Education or PPL2OP - Female - Healthy Active Living Education or PPL2OQ - Male - Healthy Active Living Education